Full HIPAA Security

Take fully HIPAA compliant security and privacy with you.

Take fully HIPAA compliant security and privacy with you.

Take fully HIPAA compliant security and privacy with you.

TherapyCharts® features hassle-free, fully HIPAA compliant mobility and privacy, more secure than most banks.

We are witnessing the evolving impact of privacy and cyber secruity regulations on the mental health care industry. With ongoing regulatory updates and a heightened focus on data security, compliance is more critical than ever. Reforms have strengthened requirments with penalties for violations to as much as $1.5 million. As cybersecurity threats grow and patient privacy remains a top priority, organizations must stay vigilant in safeguarding sensitive health information and adhering to the latest regulatory requirements.

Why take the risk?

If you use an electronic health records (EHR) system that stores patient records on your local computer, then you are personally liable for those records. Many EHR systems include HIPAA compliant features, but few are fully HIPAA compliant.

TherapyCharts® is a fully HIPAA compliant EHR, and because your patient records are not stored on your local computer, we assume the HIPAA liability risk, not you*. As it should be. You’ve got more important things to worry about.

We can handle it.

TherapyCharts® features software approved by the NSA for top secret information and our web-based system is more secure than most online banks. This means you can enjoy secure access from any location. We’re hassle free too. There’s no VPN “tunnel” or other technical security to configure when you’re on the road. Give us a try. We’ll make your life easier.

* TherapyCharts, LLC guarantees that patient records on its servers will be stored and accessed according to security and privacy standards that meet or exceed full HIPAA compliance. You, of course, will still need to take common sense precautions to protect records in your possession, for example, printouts on your office desk.

TherapyCharts® runs on all major computer operating systems and web browsers; no installations necessary. Access your charts on a Windows machine during the day and from a Mac computer later in the evening. Hassle free.

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