Still using Pen and Paper?

Provide better care while saving time and money. Getting started is a breeze.

Whether you're a psychologist, a clinical social worker, or a mental health counselor, chances are you already have plenty on your mind. TherapyCharts® award winning treatment planning electronic health record (EHR) system provides a pleasant and affordable way to manage your patient records, keep up with best practices, and stay on top of insurance claim requirements. Say hello to the fresh new look of your office. Without the cost, clutter and wasted effort of paper-based documentation, you can now spend more time on what really matters – helping people get better.

Image of Caduceus Provide better care
Tracking treatment progress is essential to providing effective therapy, that's why TherapyCharts® makes the treatment planning process central to its record system. One way we do this…
Image of Clock Save time and money
No more messy stacks and files of paper to maintain and search through. No more writing out the same data multiple times on multiple forms. And TherapyCharts® is web-based, so there are…
Image of Globe Accessible anytime, anywhere
Be more secure and mobile than ever. Because TherapyCharts® doesn’t store records on your PC, you are free to access your charts from any computer, anywhere. On the road if you…
Image of List A growing feature list
Because TherapyCharts® is web based, new features and best practice updates are regularly added to your service automatically; there is no need for you to install new software. Examine…
Image of Lock Full HIPAA security
We've only just begun to see the effects of HIPAA legislation on the mental health care industry. With health-care reform at the top of Congress's agenda, and a new HIPAA policy included as part…
Image of TC Logo Best practices
TherapyCharts® assists your efforts to stay up-to-date on the latest best practices. Convenient reminders and requests keep you on top of best practices and on schedule with…